Hey, how’s it going?



Have you ever noticed how some people live trapped in a “think-think” loop?


They think about their problems, think about the answers they need, then think some more.


These people struggle to move forward in life, not because the solution will change their circumstances, but because they cannot seem to shake the thought that having all of the answers is the key to freedom.


Example 1: Let us check out Dougald, a detail orientated university student. Dougald is unable start writing a paper until he has read every possible source. He spends more time gathering information than actually writing, leading to last-minute panic and stress. His grades are good, but his mental health suffers from the constant pressure he puts on himself.


Example 2: Next we have Ken the over analysing corporate executive. Ken is a gentleman who cannot make a decision without exhaustive research. He spends hours analysing data, seeking expert opinions, and weighing every possible outcome. Even after all this, he often finds himself paralysed by the fear of making the wrong choice. His life is a constant cycle of stress and indecision, despite his meticulous planning.


Example 3: And then there is Edith a girl who is obsessed with what others think of her. She will not post on social media unless she’s sure people will like it. She will not take a step in her business until she’s analysed every possible outcome. Every single decision has to be calculated, weighed, and overthought. She needs answers before she can act.


Have you come across people like this before?


Those that are locked in the world of logic, reasoning, and analysis paralysis.


Who believe that their stress will end only when they think their way to the right answers.


Here’s the kicker:

The answers never bring lasting peace, and life stays exactly the same…

Now, let’s talk about a different breed of people, THE INSTINCT DRIVEN CREATIVES:



We tend to move based on how we FEEL in the moment, not on some perfect analysis or “answer.”


We do not wait for a sign from above before acting.


We tend to trust ourselves and usually go with the flow.


Example 1: Meet Penelope, a painter who wakes up each day and lets her feelings guide her brush. She doesn’t worry about whether the piece will sell or what others will think. If the creative energy feels right, She dives in headfirst. If not, she shifts to something else. No stress, no overthinking.


Example 2: Hannah runs a successful online business and makes decisions in the moment. If a new opportunity comes up and her intuition feels positive, she’ll take the leap. If it doesn’t sit right, she won’t waste time analysing it to death. She’s built her entire career on instincts, and it’s led to some of her biggest wins.


Example 3: Khalid, a spiritual coach, relies on vibes and feelings more than logic. When helping his clients, he doesn’t need a perfect roadmap. If the energy is right and the moment feels aligned, he takes action. He lives in the flow of life and trusts that the universe will guide him where he needs to go.


As you can SEE, these CREATIVE individuals thrive on spontaneity and intuition.


They trust their instincts and are comfortable with uncertainty, often leading to INNOVATIVE and FULFILLING lives.


Interestingly, our offspring operate much like these creatives.

Before formal schooling beats logic and reasoning into them, they follow their instincts.

They don’t need to know why the sky is blue to enjoy the day.

They feel hungry and eat.

They feel tired and sleep.

They see a toy and play.

It’s simple.

They operate based on how they feel in the moment, not on endless questioning.


Here is the problem:


Schools condition children to favour logic over feeling.


From an early age, they are trained to solve problems in a linear way, to think before acting, and to always seek the “right” answer.

Therefore CREATIVITY is stifled and INSTINCTS are dulled.


THINKING can be REALLY COOL sometimes and is WARRANTED, however at other TIMES it can be UNCOOL and so UNWARRANTED.




The modern education system moulds people to operate like Dougald, Ken, and Edith, constantly seeking answers and clarity before moving forward.




What if we were meant to live more like Penelope, Hannah, and Khalid?

Moving based on instinct, letting life guide us, and trusting the process.

Perhaps it’s time to break free from the think-think trap and return to a life of FEELING, TRUSTING, and FLOWING.


This is where real progress happens.


I would just like to finish off with a couple of quotes from BRUCE LEE:

“Don’t think. FEEL. It’s like a finger pointing at the moon. Do not concentrate on the finger, or you will miss all of the heavenly glory.”


“Be water, my friend.”


This quote resonates with many because of its simplicity and depth.

It captures Bruce Lee’s philosophy of adaptability, fluidity, and the power of yielding.

For now I would like to recommend a book to you.

Referring you to CHAPTER 7 which is all about IMAGINATION and CREATIVITY.



Kwadw(o) Naya: