“Real World” vs “The Matrix”
Hi Family, how are you? ALL 'GOOD' WE HOPE! WE HAVE A FEW QUESTIONS FOR YOU TODAY. (1). Are you tired of BEING TRAPPED in a reality that feels more like THE MATRIX than the world YOU TRULY DESIRE? (2). What if WE TOLD YOU THAT THERE IS AN ESCAPE ROUTE WAITING FOR...

In The Journey of Life and Dreams Dare You Dream?
In the small town of Grumblewood, nestled between the hills and the forests, there lived a young girl named Mutulu. From the moment she could remember, Mutulu was captivated by stories of adventure and wonder. She would spend hours lost in the pages of...

A Tale of Imagination
Once upon a time in the picturesque town of Oblock, there lived a little boy called Mustafa. Mustafa was a dreamer, with a heart as big as the sky and an imagination that stirred like the wind through the trees. Every day, Mustafa would meander through the...

No More Dream Hijackers
Hi Family, What's UP? In this journey of life, our dreams often find themselves tangled amidst the expectations and limitations set by those around us. From the tender age of innocence, where our visions soar boundlessly, to the critical juncture of adolescence, where...

Dream stealers…
Hi Family, What's UP? I haven't really got much to SAY to YOU, TODAY, my ENERGY is a bit off... One get get like this sometimes. I would like to hand you over to 9do who will EXPRESS my INNER FEELINGS, in a way BETTER than I could ever IMAGINE. I...

Anything you want to do just do it!
Hi Family, What's UP? TODAY, LET US TALK ABOUT POWER AND ACTION! FOR YOU HAVE THE POWER! Anything you want to do YOU SHOULD just do it! The only power or value anyone has over you is: IN YOUR MIND. Because YOU unconsciously want to be...

How often have you acted against your own self-interest?
Hi Family What's UP? How often have you acted against your own self-interest? It's a question that 'hits harder than a caffeine rush on a Monday mo(u)rning'. We all have ‘SKELETONS IN OUR CLOSETS’. Don’t we? …NOW… Why don't skeletons...

Are We Being Played?
Hi Family, how are you today? ALL 'GOOD' WE HOPE! Are you aware of the covert manipulation that is happening around us? They're delving into the depths of human nature, aiming to control us. TV shows serve as their testing grounds, analysing how we...

FCUK apple!
Hi Family, how's it going? Sorry you didn't hear from us yesterday, I woke up to find a message on my iphone saying: “support.apple.com/iphone/restore“ I have a spare iphone so I picked up that to use instead only to find that I could call and go...

How To Write A Blurb (Part 2)
Let's go on a journey, you and I, To learn the art of catching the reader's eye. With book covers that beckon, titles intriguing, But what seals the deal? It's the blurb they're seeking. Book blurbs, oft neglected, hold hidden might, Transforming a novel from dim too...
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