by Kwadw(o) Naya: Baa Ankh Em Re A’lyun Eil | Feb 12, 2022
Hi , how are you? All good, I hope? How is our weekend going? Did you know that this earth was once covered by 99% – 100% water? Its true. This Plan-E.T. now commonly referred to as earth, also know as Tiamat and Gaia was once a WATER-WORLD. You need to be...
by Kwadw(o) Naya: Baa Ankh Em Re A’lyun Eil | Feb 11, 2022
Hi , How Are You? ALL GOOD, I hope. It’s just a quick one today. I have a QUESTION for YOU. What weighs MORE, FAT or MUSCLE? DO YOU KNOW? I THINK it is FAT. You need to be logged in to view the rest of the content. Please Log In. Not a Member? Join...
by Kwadw(o) Naya: Baa Ankh Em Re A’lyun Eil | Feb 10, 2022
Hi , How Are You? ALL GOOD, I hope. Do you mind if I ask YOU something? Am I the only CRAZY one around here? Or are YOU CRAZY also??? I am having one of those WTF moments. WHAT IS GOING ON? Are they really trying to WIPE US ALL OUT??? In FACT, WHO ARE THEY? DO YOU...
by Kwadw(o) Naya: Baa Ankh Em Re A’lyun Eil | Feb 9, 2022
Hi , How Are You? ALL GOOD, I hope. Well the writing has been on the wall for so long now. Aren’t YOU tired of hearing about these people? The fakebooks and instantgrams??? You need to be logged in to view the rest of the content. Please Log In. Not a Member?...
by Kwadw(o) Naya: Baa Ankh Em Re A’lyun Eil | Feb 8, 2022
Hi , How Are You? ALL GOOD, I hope. I just wanted to talk about LIFE. Many say that THIS LIFE is a JOURNEY. It is actually TRUE. THIS LIFE is a JOURNEY that must be travelled no matter how bad the roads and accommodations are UNLESS YOU TAP OUT. You need to be logged...
by Kwadw(o) Naya: Baa Ankh Em Re A’lyun Eil | Feb 7, 2022
Hi , How Are You? ALL GOOD, I hope. I just wanted to SHARE some REAL TALK with YOU: “Put a frog into a vessel fill with water and start heating the water. You need to be logged in to view the rest of the content. Please Log In. Not a Member? Join...
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